It is always extremely difficult for a parent with a child with any degree of learning or physical difficulty to access the resources they need. Therapy is vital but less accessible in the NHS of 2008 than at any previous time. With outcome measures dictating the budgets, therapy can be short lived and indirect at best. Learning disability in particular has always been the ‘cinderella’ aspect of speech and language therapy with major historical problems filling posts.
At Small Talk we are experienced and dedicated to working with any type of special needs. We are expert in functional communication and can work with total communication e.g. signs and symbols. This area has a major need for training and goal setting with everyone concerned with the child to make sure that the communication environment is optimised.
If your child has been diagnosed with any type of learning disability or a physical disability, which is likely to involve communication we will be able to help.
(Please note we are now able to deal with feeding and swallowing problems due to the addition of a dysphagia specialist to the team)