Bodymain Left
Bodymain Right


Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is now widely recognised as a distinct profile of autism.

These children can be very difficult to assess or work with, so SLTs need to be experienced and expert in low-arousal strategies. At Small Talk we have worked with children from all over the UK with PDA since Libby appeared on Channel 4's Born Naughty.

Libby is the SLT on the Profesionals group and belongs to the PDA research group. She is also involved in her own reseach project about PDA and SocialThinking.

Small Talk supports The PDA Society and PDA Action and are involved in the campaign to get better recognition. Libby went to the Dept of Health last year as the professional representative. She speaks at events with PDA adults such as Harry Thompson, Julia Daunt and Sally Cat.

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